Want to join the erawalam webring? Simply list this website on a random part in your website (does not need to be powered by neocites) and send an email to me saying that you have done so, (eggramen88@gmail.com)


Your website may not include: Bigotry. Ex: Homophobia, Racist Content, Hatespeech Etc.,

Explicit websites are not allowed since this Webring is ran by a minor with a mostly minor audience, Artistic Nudity Is Permitted.

Only enroll if you are adding to a website - social media pages are not accepted currently

If you enroll i trust you are atleast 13 years of age - although no authentication process is in place

Your website cannot include links to pornographic websites and or shock sites.

Anybody can make a widget and share it.

Empty websites wont be accepted, the page must have something on it.

If all these rules are followed and the website is submitted to EggRamen88@gmail.com you will be accepted.